A small update! I was really busy these past few weeks, going all over the place and really getting my steps in. A recap: bought various presents for friends, well in advance of Christmas, made many new recipes (some were good, and some... not so much, but I'm going to keep trying and tweaking them!), and am trying to read more! It's difficult sometimes trying to balance family, life, work, etc, but I'm going to keep working hard.

Other than that, I've been reading/watching a few things... I'm not done with the books I'm currently reading, but I'll give a review once I'm properly finished. In terms of films, I really liked ZOM100 the live action movie, and Pending Train was... just okay. The love triangle was a bit boring, and the chemistry between Naoya and Yuto had me punching the air... Will write more about this at a later time!

Anyways, have a good day, peace and love on planet earth!